September 25, 2017

OPI Fall 2017 "I'll Have A Gin & Tectonic" Swatch & Review

Hello hello everyone! I can't believe this is the last week of September already! It feels like summer just ended yet it's almost October...which I'm pretty excited about because October is my birthday month haha Student teaching has been great, I love teaching 1st & Kinder but they are a lot of work.

Well anyways onto the nails! Today I have one color from the OPI Fall 2017 collection. I haven't been paying attention to many of the collections because now that my own personal collection has grown, it's getting more difficult to find unique colors or colors I don't already have lol However "I'll Have A Gin & Tectonic" caught my eye because it's one of my favorite color combos: pinky-nude. For my swatches and thoughts, check them out after the jump!

I'll Have A Gin & Tectonic is a medium pinky-nude creme. The formula for this color was okay. It was somewhat streaky on the first coat but would cover nicely on the second. However if you "play" with it too much, it can cause bald spots so be careful when applying it. I have to note as a very pale girl, this shade complimented my skintone so much! It's a perfect color for work. This is 2 coats plus topcoat.

Overall, I'm so glad I decided to pick this one up. The formula could be a bit better but it's not awful. If you're a fair girl like me (I'm NW15 for reference), you definitely should pick this one up because it's a perfect workplace nude!

I hope you have a great day!

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