November 12, 2015

Winstonia Jumbo Sticky Stamper Review

Hey all! How's your day so far? I'm doing pretty good, well I just woke up not long ago so much hasn't happened yet haha. I have class at 2:50 and then I have to meet my Korean Literature professor about my final paper topic, that's all I have to do!

Today I have an exciting post (even though lots of things are exciting for me)! I recently bought the jumbo sticky stamper from the Winstonia store. Ever since I saw the Jumbo Creative Stamper I've been dying to get my hands on one. I was already planning to get something from the Winstonia store but when I saw these were added, my fate was sealed haha. I ended up getting a few other things (because shipping is free in the US if you spend $25+) which will appear in later posts ;)

Anyway, onto the stamper itself! I purchased the clear-colored one but they also have a version in navy as well. The set comes with:

1 Plastic Scraper
-Before I got this, I used an old gift card to scrape the polish and because it was a gift card, it was a little thicker than this one. I've used it quite a bit since I got it (can you see the polish stains as evidence haha?) and I have to say I really like it! It's thin but a good thinness, allows for flexibility when scraping. My favorite thing about it is that it's not metal! Sorry to those who love their metal scrapers but I'd rather not take the risk of damaging my plates so I'm plastic all the way.


1 Metal Holder & 1 Clear Marshmellow Stamper
-On a scale of 1-5 on the squishy scale, this gets a 1! It's so squishy and sticky, I love it so much! When I first felt it, I was weirded out by its texture, but now I've become accustomed to it. I inserted a little video of me squishing my finger in it so show you all how squishy & sticky this stamper really is! Why I've come to prefer squishy stampers is because I have super curved nails and when I use, per say, the Essence one it's difficult to reach everywhere on my nail. When I use this mondo thing, it sticks to and hugs my curved nails thus giving me a fuller application. 
Top view

Side view (with logo)

Look how squishy and sticky it is!

Lastly, I wanted to show how this stamper actually performs (which is the most important part right?):

Example 1:
-Bundle Monster BM-610 plate
-Mundo de Unas 01 White
-Zoya Dream (base)
  -On the left is what is looks like stamped on the nail, on the right is how it looks when you pick up      the image


Example 2:
-Bundle Monster BM-603 plate
-Mundo de Unas 01 White
-Zoya Dream (base)
  -On the left is what it looks like stamped on the nail, on the right is how it looks when you pick up      the image

Overall, I'm very happy with my purchase. I think everything works wonderfully and I would highly recommend this to anyone who likes stamping! I got mine here: Winstonia Jumbo Stamper for $8.95. I hope everyone has a good day! 

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